What is FORMED?
FORMED is an online streaming service that provides high-quality Catholic content from more than 60 organizations to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith anywhere.
Thousands of movies, children's programs, ebooks, audio, parish programs and studies are available direct to your browser, mobile or connected device.

Holy Name of Jesus Parish is blessed to have received a private donation of a 1-year subscription so that all of our parishioners can view the videos for free.
How do I sign up for FORMED?
Go to
Enter "Holy Name of Jesus Vancouver"
Enter your name and email
Go to your email and click the link provided
Enter any topic you are interested in the Search Bar​
There are so many videos. Where do I start?
Check our parish's weekly Bulletin for recommendations for adults, kids, and plenty of documentaries, movies, and books that are specific to the current time of the liturgical year.